Your Emotional Control = Your Success With Women

Posted on 2024-04-09

Category: Lifestyle


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Have you even been in a room with your mates where everything is flowing fine, you feel confident and your chatting away… All of a sudden a really good looking women enters and you just cannot control your emotions?

No matter how hard you try to subdue your beating heart it just races faster and faster? The weird thing is this women most likely is yet to acknowledge your existence.

For A LOT of regular guys the mere presence of a fantastically attractive girl sends them into this crazy state.

Some go giddy a bit red in the cheeks and generally nervous others stick their chests out and feel the need to show off in any way they can.

Controlling your emotions under pressure is like being in the presence of genius, you might like to think you can but the truth is most guys simply receive one of the automatic responses listed above in the presence of beauty.

This is not reflection on you and of course beauty is in the eye of the beholder 

So how do we train our minds and bodies so that they are under our control rather than being influenced by external forces? Well this is actually an extremely important question as once we are able to control the thought we have on a daily basis we can tackle any problem life throws at us, including that women you are craving so bad.

What if you were confronted with the girl/guy of your dreams and you knew that you could reply with anything she threw at you, witty remarks or straight out insults no longer affect you as you are in control of how you think and how your emotions are triggered.

Many people think that the automated fear or anger response they get when someone has a go at them cannot be controlled. What they do not understand is that is certainly can and it is the master key to their “enlightenment”

I apologise for getting a bit touchy feely with you on this one but I feel it is something that you must at least know if you don’t already.

Because until you are able to control the automated responses you may have picked up from childhood or society itself you will never truly be in control of your destiny or in this case the situation with women.


women enters club from right door.

man freaks out and begins worrying about silly pickup lines and ways to impress

women gets stared at and harassed by multiple lame pick up dudes

women sees man and for once actually confronts and talks to man


If man can for once control his beating heart enough to start a meaningful conversation with women then women will be impressed.

If not women will place man in same category as the rest of the men in bar

Women leaves…


Maybe it’s time to get those emotions under control if you know what the outcome would be…

Go do yourself a favor and download yourself a free trial of the online eBook “Double Your Dating”, and read it.

It contains literally DOZENS and dozens of great techniques for you to use that will make women feel ATTRACTION for you.

(By the way, on page 96 of my eBook I share another KILLER tip about how to impress a woman, without trying to.

This one tip corrects a deadly mistake almost EVERY man makes with women – you’ll see what I mean…)